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Australia-Indonesia Museums (AIM) Project 2024

The Australia-Indonesia Museums (AIM) Project 2024 builds on the success of the 2021-2022 initiative, uniting museum professionals from Indonesia and Australia. Facilitated by SEAMS, Deakin University, and the Western Australian Museum (WAM), and supported by the Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) and the Indonesian Heritage Agency (IHA) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, this project aims to strengthen and expand collaboration between museums in both countries.

SEA-Collections Project

The SEA-Collections Project, spearheaded by the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) at the University of Sydney in partnership with SEAMS, marks a significant stride towards deepening the understanding and appreciation of maritime heritage that links ASEAN countries with Australia.

Jakarta History Museum Significance Assessment and Exhibition

The Jakarta History Museum, managed by the Department of Culture of the Jakarta Special Capital Region Government, has partnered with Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS) to deepen understanding and appreciation of its significant furniture collection through a landmark exhibition, Furnitur Bertutur (Furniture Stories), set to open on 15 October 2024.

UNESCO World Heritage Interpretation Strategy of Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto

In the landscape of cultural heritage preservation, UNESCO Jakarta commissioned Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS) with a significant project starting in 2021-2022.

The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta and Its Historic Landmarks

Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS) played a pivotal role as the expert entity in the development of World Heritage nominations for the Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta Nominated World Heritage Property. This involvement extended to the creation of interpretation and way-finding signages for the nominated property.

Australia-Indonesia Museums (AIM) Project

In 2021-2022, Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS) partnered with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Deakin University, and the Western Australian Museum (WAM), along with several partner museums in Indonesia, to embark on the Australia-Indonesia Museums (AIM) Project.

Ketandan Peranakan Museum Storyline & DED development

In 2021, SEAMS took on a significant commission from the museum department within the Office of Cultural Affairs of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The task at hand involved the development of the Detailed Design Engineering (DED) alongside crafting a compelling storyline for the Ketandan Peranakan Museum.

Loan Policy and Procedures for the Sonobudoyo Museum

In 2021, SEAMS was commissioned by the Sonobudoyo Museum Yogyakarta for the Development of Loan Policy and Procedures.

Archival Needs Assessment for the Borobudur Conservation Archives

The Archival Needs Assessment undertaken by Southeast Asia Museum Services (SEAMS) is a comprehensive evaluation of the archive program at the Borobudur Conservation Center.

UNESCO Networking Indonesian Museums through common narratives

Southeast Asia Services (SEAMS) was commissioned by the UNESCO in 2021 as the implementing partner behind the 'Networking Indonesian Museums through Common Narratives' pilot initiative.

Tamansiswa Museum Revitalisation

The Taman Siswa museum tells the story of the establishment of the first modern Indonesian education system, Tamansisiwa, based on arts, creativity and culture, and its founding father, Ki Hadjar Dewantara.

Condition Assessement of the Wayang Revolusi Collection

The 'Wayang Revolusi' stands as a profoundly significant shadow puppet collection narrating the heroic tale of the Indonesian revolution against colonialism. This historically rich collection currently finds itself on an extended 'loan' from the Wereldmuseum in the Netherlands to the Wayang Museum in Indonesia.

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